How long has Brad been providing Physical Therapy home care?
Brad has been a licensed Physical Therapist providing in-home care for seniors since 1994 – 26 years.
Do I need a Medical Doctor (MD) referral for in-home Physical Therapy?
No…As of 2015 all 50 states allow patients direct access to seek a licensed Physical Therapist without a Physician prescription.
Is it ever too late to get smarter and stronger?
No….Medical research continues to verify our own common sense adage, “use it or lose it.”
Can Brad Budde MPT make a difference in our lives today?
Yes….Brad has the patience and the professional skill-set to help others help themselves utilizing a simple but significant in-home exercise program.
Will Brad guarantee his work?
Yes. Brad guarantees that his “Budde System” will objectively improve your senior’s life in 4-6 sessions!
Can I pick and choose when I want in-home Physical Therapy without being pressured for more visits?
Yes…Brad behaves like a Physical Therapist, not like a high-pressured salesman.
Will my own health care provider reimburse me for my in-home Physical Therapy services?
No…As of January 1, 2020 Medicare new Patient Driven Payment Model has mandated reduction of in-home licensed Physical Therapy visits.
Will my own health care provider reimburse me for my in-home Physical Therapy services?
No…As of January 1, 2020 Medicare new Patient Driven Payment Model has mandated reduction of in-home licensed Physical Therapy visits.
What payment options do you provide for clients?
Brad accepts cash, personal checks, and credit cards.